
Your device ran into... my personal website! Hey there, my name is Erick Christopher. I am an aspiring UI/UX designer. I have always been passionate, eager, adamant, fervent, and pedantic on blending form and function.

For more information about me, scroll down the website.

Who am I, though?

Apa kabar! I am an Indonesian student currently studying ICT & Media Design in Fontys, The Netherlands. Studying here enables me to dive deeper into the world of UI UX research & design as well as front end development.

If I have to describe myself in one word, it would be curious. I always strive to know on how to improve myself, whether it's about designing and researching, or just in general as a person. I firmly believe that having a thirst for knowledge and taking every chance to be a better person will always be appreciated no matter where you are.

I also love communicating with other people from different backgrounds! I love having a healthy discussion with my friends whether it's about design, or just everyday things. I love sharing information with others, and vice versa.

Time to show off myself!


My biggest forte is in UI/UX Design and I've been in a number of SCRUM teams while working with design thinking method. I realised my designs with Figma (which is my best friend). So yes, I am very passionate!

Aside from that, I also like doing front-end development (I coded this website with HTML, CSS, JS). I am confident that I have the technical and aesthetic skills to be a good designer.


I did a Bachelors in Indonesia undertaking IT-Software Engineering (algorithms, data structure... those nerdy stuff). However, I also wanted to improve my front-end skills, which is why I took ICT Media Design now; I must say, I am very grateful I get to experience the world of UI and UX!


Like everyone nowadays, I speak English fluently (with a bit of an American accent). But I also speak Indonesian, as it's my nationality and my native language. Currently, I am studying French and Japanese to broaden my cultural awareness, as well as to challenge myself to further better my communication skills!

Oh and of course, as a programmer, I also speak C++, Java, C#, and some PHP.

My magnum opus(es)!

Here are the projects I've researched and designed. I promise they're amazing!

Adding Instagram features

In this project, I added missing Instagram features that I concluded were desirable for users.

Sacred Blue Cooking App

Observe how I channel my sarcasm into helping people with their eating habits.

Revamping FlyGaruda App

My take on Indonesia’s flag carrier airline Garuda Indonesia's mobile app, FlyGaruda.

Making of this portfolio

Dive deeper on how this very website came to be. Very meta indeed!

International week project

Find out how these amazing people made an amazing project in just a week.

Blueriq group project

The pièce de résistance of this semester’s project. The most project ever.